Went to a show Saturday night at my old home 1269 East 6th Street in downtown LA. My old roomate Dave Young has had some good bands coming through there. Last Friday
DEAD MEADOW played and everyone from the Melvins to Big Business has played there. This week I was going to support my friends in
SPINDRIFT. Did alot of reminiscing while there and didn't leave till about 4am after a few beers. These dudes just keep getting better and better. The PA was jacked but it didn't matter, it was still insane.
ENTRANCE was supposed to play, then the drummer couldn't do it, then they dropped off the bill completely. They've played there a few time before so I'm sure they'll be there again soon. Big bad Hank Evans from Spindrift told me they just got the test presses back of their new 12 so be on the lookout for that in the near future as well as a full length to follow. Check out their myspace for new dates, I think they head out late this month with the Black Angels. If you live in LA, I know Oct 1st they are playing at the Troubadour.
I've been out of town for the last few Fridays so I've missed putting up some of my Firday cover songs. This one is a rocky disco classic. Origianlly done by the Yardbirds and covered by Chilly, I pulled this from the 12. It's a ripe classic man! From now on I'm gonna put the OGs up too just in case you aren't familiar with them.
For Your Love - YARDBIRDSFor Your Love - CHILLY