Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Sorry for the lack of updates, been kind of swamped with work but the wait will be worth it.

Next week I'm going to start posting DJ sets from 74-84 that I am currently transferring from reel to reel into Protools. I have over 80 of them to transfer over so this should be a recurring part of the blog for awhile. I've been listening to some of the tapes at home at there's some good and bad stuff in there. Basically they are live sets from DJs around the world. If anyone has any information on the DJs please contact me. I've done some early research and some names are popping up about where they played but not much else. First up will be a set from Alfonzo Ortega from 1983 in Acapulco, Mexico.


(thee) Mike B said...

dude... post something

the pubes said...

wait for it...wait for it....

Anonymous said...

waiting for it...

Unknown said...

I'm not very good at searching blogs. do you have a link for an Alfonso Ortega set? I knew him--he was amazing. I'd love to hear his voice.

Graveto said...

how can we contact u?