Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Stella's Celebrity watch

My old lady has a keen sense for spotting celebrities. She used to work at Marc Jacobs and is now over at Stella McCartney so she see famous folk all day, good and bad ones. I don't want her to get in trouble so I won't post who comes through her work but outside of work I figure is fair game. This is gonna be a new section. Whenever she sees a person of interest I'm trying to get her to get a picture. This is like a bootleg Gawker section. So the maiden post is a Michael Rappaport siting about 5 minutes ago coming out of Sam's Bagels on Larchmont. Word on the streets was that his hair was huge. I'll post some good ones from last week too. Late last week she saw Mindy Kalin who plays Kelly on the Office struttin' around in the buff at the gym. Also, saw Lila the boob flasher from Dexter practicing lines for something outside of Peet's Coffee on Sunset by Book Soup. Is Dexter gonna off her in the next 2 weeks and she's in need of some new work?

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Sting Like Bee

I'll be crafting a totally smooth set at this show before Dance Right.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Gettin' Radical

Nice British documentary on Dogtown. Check this out if you get a chance. Thanks Andrew for the link.


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

My dad sends me about 30 emails a day. He's like a 15 year old little girl with the internet. I'm feeling this one though.

Nice one dad

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Greatest..uh I mean the gratest

Another joke at Tiesto's expense

Thank you TK Disko!

To make up for that here's that Prins Thomas Full Pupp mix that's been going around the internets in recent weeks. If you don't have it, git on it.

Espen Haa part 1

Prins Thomas part 2

Prins Thomas part 3

Ah, I'm playing this too. The Do-Over done holiday style.

Can you feel it?

that's my ego swelling.

And a jam for you! Let's get weird it's almost Thankgiving and I got a Turducken fools! Hate me now.

Miss Criolia (We Are The Children) - FUEGO

Monday, November 19, 2007

Sale....ing...take me away

Mark your calanders

Catching up

It's been along time since posting but I've been busy so screw it. I went to Hawaii on Wednesday to play a fashion show for the surf company Hurley. I do alot of these shows for them called Walk the Walk with drummer Bobby Alt. He was the drimmer for S.T.U.N. and now has a drum/percussion outfit with his brother Adam and friend Frank Zummo called Street Drum Corp. These guys are super nice and you can probably check them out of the Warp Tour or similar events. They tour like wild men too. Basically I DJ and Bobby plays drums to it as a fashion show goes on. When we first started doing these shows it was to show Hurley's line for that season but they have developed a pretty cool program for high school kids around the idea. Usually 3 high schools in an area are given Hurley product to redesign, then all the schools are invited to a fashion show where a panel of celebrity judges pick their favorite. The winning school is given a nice big check that goes towards there arts program. All the schools that participate get money for their school as well. It' a really great idea and it always execute well. 1500 screaming kids is no joke, sometimes I feel like the Beatles on stage even though they aren't screaming at me. I also got asked to play some proms, so I got that going for me which is nice. So back to the story at hand. This events was in Honolulu at the Pipe Line Cafe. I was psyched when I got there because I walk in and there is a huge poster advertising Trinere, Debbie Deb and Shannon playing there at the end of the month. How come Hawaii gets all the good shows? That show is freestyle lightning! Anyway,the show went off fine but it was a long day. I had landed at noon, started rehearsal at 1 and played a regular set along with the fashion show finishing at almost 11pm. Slept for about 3 hours then headed back to the mainland. I didn't even get to catch up with Magnum, Rick or TC. Next time fellas!

Bobby and I rehearsing

1500 wild ass kids

Couldn't miss Thursday at Dance Right. Mr Choc has been illin to come play some dance records for the wild kids. It's funny when guys like Choc or Melo-D come through and drop dance stuff instead of their usual hip hop fare. They get such a kick out of it and destroy pretty much any other guest we get. You know why? They have S-K-I-L-L-S!

Next post: I'll post about Saturday's epic Rockognized #5 party that was like a gigantic rave but in a good way. The kind when music is still fresh before all the weirdos and tweakers decide to show up in dresses after swallowing a case of glow sticks.

Friday, November 2, 2007

I got a fever and the only cure is more steel drum!

Feeling nice today. Been a long week of work and DJing but the week is almost over. Blu Jemz and I are playing tonight in Venice for a Smart Car event. We were told no house or rap music, I think I'm fine with that. Sunday the Igles and Cowboys square off. I'm hoping the beginning of this season was some kind of decoy to set Dallas up to lose this game but I doubt it. Andy Reid's been too busy running drugs with his kids. Also, quick shout to Mike B for helping me hold down La Cita last night. I got my fix of classics in for the week. I know it isn't 1998 or whatever, but classic hip hop is where its at. I don't care if girls won't dance to it, still sounds good to me. Good times!

So today I have 2 covers, both with steel drums in them. Might as well keep a theme.

Cover of Cars originally by Gary Numan.
Cars - Katzenjammer

Originally by Sam & Dave (I think they were the OG)
Hold On, I'm Comin - Sapodilla Punch

Friday, October 26, 2007

Monster mashing

I don't have any festive Halloween type cover to post so suck it like XXX the pro wrastler used to say.

Something about this song reminds of the that movie Major League. That coach was funny am I right? Remember Wesley Snipes as Willy Mayes Hayes? Yep me too. Hey how about those World Series going on? Anyway, I hated the original version of this song but then I heard this cover. It's far out man. The break and solo are so epic. My copy of this blows so there is some clicking in the beginning but it's still worth a listen.

Wild Thing - FANCY

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The freaks come out at night

Some sweet Halloween action here.

This should be fun. Psyched to be playing with Juan Maclean and my main man Scotty Coats. Check out Scotty's new release available on Rong. I think we got the good room with a totally kick butt lineup but the whole event looks pretty sweet indeed. Also on the real Halloween October 31st. I'll be playing and partying at my old place the 1269 Gallery on 6th and Alameda. I guarentee the lineup will blow your mind but I cannot divulge who is playing. You will get no street or band cred if you do not attend.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I'm famous like a V level celebrity....

Bow down! My man Hassan just posted up a short interview about me on his blog over at VGRNTS

Friday, October 19, 2007

Alright fellas, let's speed it up just a little more

Feeling a little sluggish from last night at Dance Right. Vodka and ginger beer goes down too easy. It was packed last night, I think it's the first time we've had a consistant line outside all night since the back bar reopened. Good time none the less. I've been playing early the last few weeks which I like doing. I just want to play weird music and that's the only time you can really get away with it. Enough jibba jabba, it's cover song time again.

This track is a cover of Eric Clapton's cocaine. What were these guys on when they recorded this? Oh yeah, probably cocaine. I love how the vocals are super sped up and the guitarist decides to make a medley out of it with a little Layla solo. Shred on my man! I'd love to see what these dudes look like now. I picture the guitar played living with his mom though. I bet he's getting all psyched up for Van Halen.

Discocaine - ERIC'S FRIENDS

Friday, October 12, 2007

Somebody you just love to burn

Cover song time kids! Check this oddball cut from Iggy Pop. Might not be the best recording but I think it's an interesting track. Remember to come out and see Mudd tonight. The flyer is below.

Family Affair - IGGY POP

And this is nothing new but I found myself searching it out this morning looking for some inspiration.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Star Wars stuff never gets old

I want to party with this chick! Check the moves with about a minute 10 seconds left.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Hey bud, let's party with Buck Rogers

Let's take this ship to outerspace brother.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I started working on some tracks down at Obey with the elseWhere guys this weekend that I'm really excited about. I think Chris has been up for 4 days straight now cutting tracks up. Basically, I haven't been able to find the sound I need hear on earth so we had to travel. So until my journey is complete and heads start exploding from extra terestrial jams check this out. It's gonna be a stone groove!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Go to hell you hippy!

What's the deal with these horrible remixes? I guess horrible remixes are nothing new, but we're at an all time low right now I think. A few years ago it was all these hip hop and rock mashups, now it's all dance track mashups or tracks with terrible beats behind them, like the Baltimore remix. Every kid with Ableton has ruined Baltimore Club music. Also, putting a hit over a hit is a real ballsy move you cheeseball, you might as well call yourself Girl Talk. it's the same thing! Blu Jemz pointed this out to me last night and I can't stop thinking about it. To me, it reminds me of those Hooked on 45 or Hits on 45 records. For the non DJ nerds out there the On 45 series were hits of the time or even classical music hits with the same cheesy beat running under the entire record, megamix style. I'm pretty sure Metro Area or someone like that did sample from the Stars on 45 one though so that's pretty funny. See how big my unit is with that useless knowledge? Are the DJs and producers in this hipster scene going to be remembered in the same way those On 45 records are? Cause those records for the most part were the absolute worst and you're gonna be awfully embarrassed in a year or so when you have no respect and the next trend in music is upon us. What will you tell your kids, will they clown you for your terrible taste or will just hide the fact that you had any involvement in a such a crappy music scene.

And my last rant for the day. Blu Jemz is the man for telling the whole crowd at my night off for being jerks requesting Soulja Boy. That shit is getting pretty old. LA is so late on everything it's not even funny. I need to take a trip to NY soon. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

On a lighter side, here's the music for the day...

Todays selections in a way were spawned by my love of Miami Vice. (Campo, if you're reading this can you send me that link to that Jan Hammer CD signing?) I think every kid that grew up in the 80's had a love for the Dukes of Hazzard, the A-Team and Miami Vice. If you didn't like those shows I feel sorry for you and your parents, especially your father who had to explain to the guys at work that his son (or daughter) wasn't down with Murdock and the Face Man, Luke and Bo, Tubbs and Crocket. At one point I remember Don Johnson got into racing off shore power boats and my dad took me, my brother and a bunch of our friends out on our boat to watch him race off of Atlantic City. Don johnson was unstoppable then, I thought he and Melanie would be together forever. So this is the indirect way to segue Miami Vice into Short and Curly Cover Song Fridays. We'll start with Jan Hammer's masterpiece Crocket's Theme. I'm sure most of you know this one. The cover is by Vangelis and Jean Michel Jarre. Vangelis is most famous for Charriots of Fire but the dude has some serious jems in his catalogue. I celebrate quite a few of his releases. Since I've been lazy I'm also going to include a Vangelis track that is a weird beard classic and a fairly recent cover by Lindstrom.

Also Happy Birthday to me. Send me gift certificates for Ebay!

Let It Happen - VANGELIS

Let It Happen - LINDSTROM
I'm kind of conflicted about posting this one so I might take it down with in a day or two so make sure you get on it. I suggest you go buy this record too, it's well worth it.

Crockett's Theme - Jan Hammer

Crockett's Theme - Vangelis & Jean Michel Jarre


Friday, September 21, 2007

Leave Those Kids Alone

Real quick post right now, running around like crazy. So today we have a PInk Floyd cover. I played this on the Turntable Lab radio show I did that should be out pretty soon. Extra nerd points if you can name the other cover within this song. What, 2 songs in one you say? I can't really tell if the other track is a cover or they just bit the record straight up. The 2nd track is the total Sixers intro song where they'd splice the sound bites over it to get the crowd to act a fool or it was the last time I went to a Sixers game (2001?) Another hint, Dr. Evil was super psyched on this group. Just a little side note, everybody just mellow out this weekend ok bro and don't get tazed bro.

Disco Project - PINK PROJECT

And as promised a photo from In Flagranti. Boy does that look fun.

Tonight it's off to the Whiteney Bedford art show in Santa Monica and then to the after party where Velocity B, the newest Philly to LA transplant will be gracing los turntables with his fingerprintless mitts. His cuts are so fast he burnt his fingerprints off so he's basically off the grid for life now.

It's all Whodini stuff or something like that so you knew I'd be down. I love The Freaks Come Out At Night.

The Escape Artist series at CherryandMartin,
12611 Venice Blvd, LA
6 to 9

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Who's putting they coals out on my floor?

I feel rejuvinated, like a phoenix rising from Arizona. Got a couple things in the old electronic mail bin this morning. First off is the flyer for this Sat. at the Standard on Sunset. Simian Mobile Disco are in town and the good people at Modular asked me to do a slot. You want to go make sure you RSVP, yeah that even includes you mom. (I figure my mom accounts for about half the views to my blog here)

Next up, that man about town Hassan, the one you see at every party, hooked me up with an early graphic for Blu Jemz and my new disco series Sudden Death Disco. Looking good Billy Ray! Feelin' good Lewis! Check Hassan's webness in my links page to the right ------> VGRNTS is the name

Monday, September 17, 2007


Nerds, I hate nerds!

Thank you Chris Haycock for this wonderful video. For those of you like me that think this Van Halen reuinion will be junk without the true lineup, check out this video. Is it me or does Michael Anthony look like Ogre from Revenge Of The Nerds? Dude's cape is from the distant future and that back bridge to backwards somersault almost made me lose consciousness. M.A. is owning those yellow Zubaz too. He was never afraid to let himself go cause he shredded so hard cause he knew the universe would implode if he was sexy too.


They Reminisce Over You

Went to a show Saturday night at my old home 1269 East 6th Street in downtown LA. My old roomate Dave Young has had some good bands coming through there. Last Friday DEAD MEADOW played and everyone from the Melvins to Big Business has played there. This week I was going to support my friends in SPINDRIFT. Did alot of reminiscing while there and didn't leave till about 4am after a few beers. These dudes just keep getting better and better. The PA was jacked but it didn't matter, it was still insane. ENTRANCE was supposed to play, then the drummer couldn't do it, then they dropped off the bill completely. They've played there a few time before so I'm sure they'll be there again soon. Big bad Hank Evans from Spindrift told me they just got the test presses back of their new 12 so be on the lookout for that in the near future as well as a full length to follow. Check out their myspace for new dates, I think they head out late this month with the Black Angels. If you live in LA, I know Oct 1st they are playing at the Troubadour.

I've been out of town for the last few Fridays so I've missed putting up some of my Firday cover songs. This one is a rocky disco classic. Origianlly done by the Yardbirds and covered by Chilly, I pulled this from the 12. It's a ripe classic man! From now on I'm gonna put the OGs up too just in case you aren't familiar with them.

For Your Love - YARDBIRDS

For Your Love - CHILLY

Monday, September 10, 2007

Slackzin and Relaxing

Had to go down to San Diego to DJ at ASR so I couldn't put a track up on Friday. I promise I'll make it up. Chilling at Haul's place right now recording the Turntable Lab Radio show for Scion. My set should be up in a few weeks and I'll post it when it's available. Sasha from In Flagranti is killing it on the wheels right now. (He torn my set a new one, I set went pretty south in a hurry) Also, thanks for everyone that came out on Sat. and especially thanks to Sasha for making the trip. I'll post some pictures when I get home. Good times and sorry for shutting the party down early, the venue cut it at 3 and were expecting them to let us stay open. On to the next venue I guess.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Let's spazz out this Saturday

Mr. T says "Grrrrrrr, Don't make me mad, go to this party!"

Friday, August 31, 2007


It's that time of the week again, Short & Curly Cover Song Fridays. Today is a special one because I have low self esteem about the number of people visiting my site so I'm going to up the ante and include the original as well as two different covers. Statistics tell me that kids want free music and who am I to deny what the kids want? If only my favorite cover band at the Jersey Shore would rock one of these tunes. Well they probably wouldn't be in a cover band at the Jersey Shore if they knew about these jams. Their minds would have been blown long ago and learning that new song by Train wouldn't have seemed so important. I really don't even know what that means. So today's selection was written by none other than Eddie Grant, a personal favorite of mine. Totally underrated outside of the nerd world. I guess Electric Avenue has made people bitter to the sweet sounds that Eddie is capable of. The first selection is the original by Eddie's band The Equals. After that is a farely recent cover by Harvey Bassett and Thomas Bullock's outfit Map of Africa and the third cut is by reggae sensation Derrick Harriot.

Black Skin Blue Eyed Boys -THE EQUALS

Black Skin Blue Eyed Boys - MAP OF AFRICA

Black Skin Blue Eyed Boys - DERRICK HARRIOT

Happy Friday!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Fall is Falling

(scroll down for new Prins Thomas address)

I guess this is the official summer wind down. Now people will get depressed and go into fall and winter party mode. The grittiest stuff seems to always happen after summer ends. Blu Jemz and I have a good party coming up in a few weeks with In Flagranti which I'm excited about and alot more stuff in the works. Like I said before, I've been lazy but here's some music to keep you occupied till we meet again.

I'm feeling this new PS1 mix from Lee Douglas. Let's take it to the cave. Get on it kids, download away!

WPS1 Art Radio - Warm Up 2007 - LEE DOUGLAS

Remember to go check out the Prins Thomas show is LA this weekend too. It's no longer at the Traction Ave. location. When they send me the new location I'll put it up. I'm sure it'll be quite awhile before Prins Thomas makes it back to LA so don't miss it. Might as well post the Essential Mix from Prins Thomas and Lindstrom while I'm at it. It's a few months old at this point but check it out if you aren't familiar and for those that know it get jazzed for Friday.


Just copy and paste link. I don't no nothing about the internets but for some reason I can't link it right to the page I want. Dang!


1221 South Hope st.
Downtown LA .
(cross st. is 11th)

Hours are 10pm til 4am

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Friday, August 24, 2007

Going to Slacker City, Population Me

Man, I've been a slacker this week with this blog but I promise good things to come. However, I couldn't miss out on Short & Curly Cover song Fridays so here's a quick post cause I gotta bounce in a few minutes. Rockwell turned me onto this one, not "Somebody's Watching Me" Rockwell but the infamous James Rockwell, boogie and disco extraordinaire. He had a test press of this that I think ended up getting stolen so if you find a copy you should really think about giving it to him. So I present a Mary Jane Girls classic flipped by the unknowns La Famille.

All Night Long - LA FAMILLE

Also, if you're on LA it's going down on Saturday night. Not since ze Dafter Party will you see such wildness. People will be looking like those zombies in 28 Days Later by about 6am. Don't miss out.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Friday, August 17, 2007

Everybody's Working for the Weekend!

I'm sitting here nursing a sweet hangover from too many Pacificos last night at La Cita and realizing it's gonna be hard to keep content up on this thing. Oh yeah,Tim Biskup and his friend who I think was one of the Ren & Stimpy creators were doing their Ego Killer portraits last night. Tim is a pretty accomplished dude and I think his portraits really speak for themselves.

He nailed it, stink lines and all!

Anyway, I decided I need to do some regular features to keep me motivated to put content up so I'm ripping off my friend Mike B's B-side Wednesdays with my Short & Curly Cover Song Fridays. For awhile I was obsessed with reggae 7" cover songs so I'll be sprinkling alot of those in for the next few weeks. Most of my records are in boxes waiting to be unpacked from my move so once I unpack them I'll include shots of the records, not that anyone cares. I think it mostly makes me feel like a big man and I need that cause I have a fragile ego but that's pretty much true for anyone with a blog. Zing!

Without further ado here's my first pick for Short & Curly Cover Song Fridays

Made famous by William DeVaughn this track is a classic, yo son let's flip to the reggae 45!


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Danger Zone


Clark and Michael

I never go to the movies. Don't get me wrong I enjoy going and I like watching them but in LA it's like $14 and I'm cheap. I'll save my money for booze and records. I wanted to see the Simpsons movie but settled for going to the Kwik E Mart in Burbank instead. My old lady is on my back non-stop about going to see something but that just means I'll be spending $28 because she's gonna want me to pay for her too. That said, I think I want to check out Super Bad. A couple friends saw a screening and claim it's classic. My interest was further peaked when this classy son of a bitch Justin Van Hoy turned me onto this site. I don't know if I need a late pass on this or what but I'm feeling it. I loved Arrested Development and I hope Michael Cera blows up even more. Get to watching!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Pubes Picks

This event is my pick of the week. Go check it out son!

Metalica was good...

...but Holocaust did it better. It's a slow day today so I might as well keep things rolling with some cyber jams that will hopefully knock your socks off (or shoes) like that Jake Brown during the X Games. So anyway, everybody knows Metalica and most people I know liked them at some point. Lar's dad has to beat some sense into those dudes now cause not even Rick Rubin can help them. Better yet, Lar's dad and Rick should start a band, all psychrock or metal about porn, basically an album that sounds like The Holy Mountain looks. One of my favorite recordings was the $5.98 EP. My man Thom Lamb hooked me up with that tape a long time back but I think I left it somewhere in New Jersey about 5 years ago. The track Small Hours was on there and was easily my favorite song. I knew it was a cover but for some reason never tracked down the original. A little while back Andrew from Invisible Man hit me up with a YouTube link to a video of the OG. Since then I tracked down the vinyl and transferred it just to post just for you. This shit rips! Do yourself a favor and go find this record. I saw a bunch for sale on CD and if you enjoy vinyl like me, I'm sure you can bargain with some crazed German metal head for a copy.

Small Hours - HOLOCAUST


Van Halen is back! You're from Mars if you don't want to catch this show. Oh wait, no Michael Anthony? Eddie might be out of rehab but I still think he's got a screw loose. Is that such a good idea to break up the line up like that? Is Wolfgang Van Halen gonna be able to compete with MA's back up vocal stylings? Anyway, I'll be at the LA show in November. I think some or all of the tickets go on sale this weekend so get on the horn post haste. I think I might be more excited to see the people who show up to this thing. We are in Van Halen country here in LA. A few years ago I went to see Iron Maiden, Dio and Motorhead and the people watching was so intense my head almost exploded. Anyway, this dude Darian I work with claims there is still a wall in Pasadena that has Van Halen Country painted on it. He's gonna try get a pic and I'll post that up with quickness when it arrives. Until then check out the VAN HALEN website for details and enjoy this little performance by Van Lee Roth below. Most of it is from Pasadena High School in 1975 and then goes into some covers from probably around the same time, then some stuff that sounds a bit later. The quality sucks but these dudes are seriously shredding shit here so make sure you give it a chance and listen all the way through, at least through the covers.

VAN HALEN - Pasadena High School 1975

Check Diamond Dave getting radical!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Testes 1,2,3.....

Man I used to love Beavis and Butthead when that show came out. Best thing to happen to a kid in grade school. A couple years ago on Ebay some dude was selling tons of animation cells that I kept telling myself I was gonna buy. Never got around to it, I think I couldn't figure out how to use Paypal or something like that. Technology is not my strong point so I should be able to screw this blog up pretty quickly. I don't feel that bad about not knowing how to use computers well because most of the djs I hear using them suck at using them too. Alright, here goes my first rant. Ease up on Ableton mixes until you can use it properly. If I hear any more glitchy cut up tracks or remixes done in Ableton I'm gonna poke screwdrivers into my ears. The original track was better anyway so give it up. Anyway, I have a blog now. I'm gonna put up all kinds of crap on here when I get a chance. This is probably going to be mostly nerd music talk and reminiscing on the times of old. If you don't want to hear me spout about how stupid kids are today with their terrible taste in music and other various salty talk then take a hike brother. I might as well post something for the kids to bring some viewers to Pubelog. Let's get weird!

I think this is a proper track to start off onto a downward spiral of blogging.

Hey man, let's talk about it.

Talk About It - HARUMI